Background Remover

Background Remover


The Background Remover is a powerful AI tool that automatically removes the background from your images, leaving only the main subject. Whether you need professional product photos, perfect profile pictures, or creative compositions, this tool makes it quick and easy.

Common Use Cases:

  • E-commerce product photography
  • Professional headshots
  • Social media content
  • Digital art and design
  • Marketing materials

API Reference

  • URL:
  • Method: POST

API Parameters

imagestringyesBase64 encoded image

⚠️ Important: When sending the base64 image, do not include the prefix (e.g., 'data:image/jpeg;base64,'). Send only the raw base64 string.


x-api-keystringyesYour API key obtained from the MaxStudio APIs Dashboard (opens in a new tab). Generate this key by logging into your account and navigating to the API Keys section.

Code Examples

// TypeScript implementation
interface Params {
image: string;
async function BackgroundRemove(params: Params): Promise<any> {
try {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
image: params.image
const jobId = await response.json();
return jobId;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
throw error;

Success Response

  "jobId": "<job_id>"

Error Response Examples

// Rate Limit Error
  "status": 429,
  "error": "Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later."
// Insufficient Credits
  "status": 402,
  "error": "Insufficient credits. Please Buy credits."
// Invalid Input
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Image size must be less than 5MB"

Get Job Status


x-api-keystringyesYour API key obtained from the MaxStudio APIs Dashboard (opens in a new tab). Generate this key by logging into your account and navigating to the API Keys section.

To check the status of your job, use the following examples:

// TypeScript implementation
async function getJobStatus(jobId: string): Promise<any> {
const url = `${jobId}`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(url);
const jobId = await response.json();
return jobId;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
throw error;

Job Status Reference

creatingJob is being initialized
pendingJob is in processing queue
runningJob is actively processing
completedProcessing finished successfully
failedProcessing encountered an error
not-foundInvalid or expired job ID


  "status": "<status>",  // One of the status values from the table above
  "result": "<result>"   // Base64 encoded image data when status is 'completed'